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Buckle up, put it in gear, and enjoy the ride with the North East’s authentic Grateful Dead tribute band, The Wheel. They will play the Grateful Dead’s acoustic 1981 live double album, Reckoning, in its entirety, along with other musical gems in a two-set evening that’s sure to please.
“The Wheel brings a big, danceable groove to the party, driven by the deep pocket of rhythm guitarist and bandleader Andy Morse, bassist Dave Pallas, drummer Joe Sorbero and percussionist Pete Andriakos. They provide an unshakable foundation over which lead guitarist Bryan Gautie and keyboardist Rick Rothermel weave solo after evocative solo together with virtuosity and taste. Yet they are also capable of complex, interwoven conversations that display the nuance and dynamic range of the Dead’s music in quieter, more blissful passages. Vocally, The Wheel possesses a diverse blend of styles, from Morse’s smooth, heartfelt delivery, Rothermel’s full-throated soul, Bryan Gautie’s Jerry Garcia-like tenderness to Jill Gautie’s soaring harmonies.” - Nippertown 2021